Before we begin, let the record reflect that I don’t have any answers. Not data-driven ones, anyway. I have opinions, which I will share later in this post (and I would love to hear yours, too). But if you came here seeking answers to the inherent contradiction this article examines, I’m telling you upfront: I don’t have it.
Let’s move on.
Long-form content does better on every level, yet no one reads anything anymore. How can that be?
If you’re still reading this – hey, thanks! I appreciate you. So, what’s to do? I don’t know. Google favors long-form content, and at least some of your audience is reading it, even if it’s only a small percentage. Your best bet is to create content that:
Final word: Please never, ever pad your content with filler to reach a certain word count. It is always better to do 500 words well than 1,000 poorly. Fluff is horrible.