
Top IR, HR, and Comms Conferences in 2022

Here are the top IR, HR, and comms conferences of 2022! Click to learn more.

2022 is on pace to be another great year in the world of IR, HR, and comms! And the proof is in the pudding when you look at the vast array of upcoming conferences. It doesn’t matter if you’re an investor relations, human resources, or corporate communications professional, there’s a conference perfect for you.

Take a look at the list we’ve assembled and be sure to check back regularly for new additions and updates. We’ve organized the list by date and listed events where a team member from IDX is speaking.

*Orange indicates events that IDX will be presenting.
**This will be updated periodically so make sure you check back regularly for up-to-date information.

Year Month Day Conference Location About Speakers
2022 May 10-11 Empower HR Tech Americas Phoenix, AZ Explore not only emerging technologies and what they can offer, but also connect with solution providers and gain strategies to leverage HR technology to best enable your people to deliver. Gary Bolles, Helen Russell, Elizabeth Kolmstetter
2022 May 12 Employee Engagement Summit 2022 London, UK The event will be covering all aspects of employee engagement, with a strong focus on how to maintain culture, engagement, and wellbeing in a hybrid workplace. Rachana Baral, Brandie Deignan, Lia Crooks
2022 May 18 HR Technology, Data & the Employee Experience 


You'll learn how to identify the key data collection point in your employee life-cycle, create an employee experience grounded in data and feedback and align your employee experience across multiple functional areas. Wendi Walker-Schmidt, Chris Moore, Nicole Sloane
2022 May 18-19 Impact Investor Global Summit London, UK Hear industry leaders discuss how to create scalable, positive change and explore how you can create impact strategies that create greater value for people and the planet. Nicholas Abel, Anita Bhatia, Richard Burrett
2022 May  19-20 RecruitCon Denver, CO Learn the latest tips, tricks and best practices for attracting and retaining the best workers on the market. Julia Adler, Barb Bruno, Brian Fink
2022 May  23-25 Leap HR: Healthcare San Diego, CA This is your best opportunity to uncover how healthcare organizations are breaking away from traditional HR thinking to find new ways to engage brunt-out employees, dramatically reduce clinical turnover, and attract the next-gen workforce to the healthcare profession. Andy Ortiz, Carole Hackett, Linda Aldred
2022 May  24-25 Greenhouse Open Conference New York, NY Designed to elevate your hiring in real-time. You will walk away with new, innovative strategies to hire for what's next. Laverne Cox, Rachel Chavkin, Daniel Goleman
2022 May 25-26 Unleash America Las Vegas, NV The HR technology conference for learning and recruitment leaders, filled with inspirational stories that champion HR excellence and disruption. Raju Vijay, Rhonda Spencer, Quentin Sa'Lay
2022 June 2-3 HR Forum 2022 Amsterdam, NL Covering the latest trends, developments, best practices and disrupting technology that will affect HR moving forward. Lara Calfa, Yves Veulliet, Daiga Ergle
2022 June 5-7 NIRI Annual Conference ** Boston, MA A comprehensive IR event dedicated to your professional development and networking. With dozens of education offerings in a variety of new and exciting formats, there will be plenty of time to connect with your peers while meeting your goals and objectives. Dan Aldridge, Tom Barth, Robert Dornau
2022 June 6 2022 REIT Investor Relations Symposium New York, NY This invitation-only event is open exclusively to IR professionals, and the program is designed to address the unique challenges REIT IR professionals experience in their roles. Sherry Rexroad, Glenn Rufrano, Mary Fedewa
2022 June 12-15 SHRM Annual Conference & Expo New Orleans, LA Learn strategies for DE&I, talent acquisition, workplace culture and mental health. It's your chance to cause the effect you want to see in your workplace and in the world of work.  Bruce D. Broussard, Timothy S Huval, Johnny C. Taylor Jr.
2022 June 16-17 PRSA Corporate Communications Conference ** Nashville, TN Providing attendees with valuable opportunities to learn from experts in the field who understand the specific challenges and needs that corporate communicators face. This year's theme is: Mastering your voice: Leader your organization & self. TBA
2022 June 21 IR Society Annual Conference London, UK Focusing on the major prevailing and future potential issues, trends, opportunities and challenges facing IROs in an evolving operating environment. From big picture themes, including sustainability, technology and innovation, to practical tips relating to day-to-day IR activities. Rob Gurner, Evan Davis, Julia Hoggett
2022 June  26-29 IABC World Conference 2022 New York, NY Industry experts provide knowledge that elevates your career & organization by discussing how communication can lead, transform, challenge, innovate & inspire. Sia Papageorgiou, Adrian Cropley
2022 July  20 Inclusive Diversity Recruitment: Hiring with Equity Virtual You'll learn how to implement inclusive practices, address bias in selection and attract diverse talent. TBA
2022 July  25-29 Talent Aqcuisition Week Virtual Bringing together sourcing, recruiting and employer branding strategies together to provide you with the most comprehensive learning experience. Mike Cohen, Camille Tate, Steven Kosakow
2022 Sept  7-8 Investor Relations, Marketing & Communications Forum San Francisco, CA Learn best practices in LP relations, branding, communications, & marketing strategies from industry experts. Christine Anderson, Mary Kate Bertke, Alanna Chaffin
2022 Oct 5-6 Investor Relations, Marketing & Communications Forum: Europe London, UK Learn best practices in IR relations, branding, communications, & marketing strategies from industry experts. Susann Aulbach, Gerald Carton, Francisca Grol
2022 Oct   11-12 PR Decoded ** Chicago, IL PRWeek's annual conference, PRDecoded is heading back to Chicago! Join us on October 11-12 for a two-day conference filled with presentations, roundtables, networking, workshops, and much more.  TBA
2022 Nov  2-3 Ragan's Future of Communications Conference New York, NY You will learn to refine and align your strategies, hone your business acumen to position yourself as a future leader, and better understand the tools and technology that will get you there. Bonin Bough, Liz Caselli-Mechael, Christina Leeds
2022 Nov  13-15 PRSA ICON ** Grapevine, TX At ICON 2022 you'll be able to enhance your perspective and skill sets, renew old friendships and make new contacts, and meet representatives from leading industry service providers. Katty Kay

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