According to Gartner, the demand for information on customer data platforms (CDP) skyrocketed 91% between 2020 and 2021. The pattern among all these searches? They were queries from top company leaders. This means the interest in bundling your data is not just a concern between your data and analytics teams, it’s a sparking genuine interest among c-suite executives, too.
A customer data platform (CDP) is a software that collects, combines, and organizes all your customer data into one place. Utilizing a CDP, you can easily store, see and manage all your customer information in real time. This all-in-one access includes data on your multi-channel campaigns, transaction histories, and all sales/marketing touchpoints with customers.
It’s no secret that today’s commerce market has left vulnerabilities in the physical and digital customer journey. Customers can interact with your brand through social media, paid ad campaigns, walking into your store, reading your content online and chatting with your brand via customer service. The limitless touchpoints can disconnect your brand’s cohesion of service to the customer and lose them, and their potential conversion, completely.
There’s also an aspect of customer data security that comes into question when all your data collections are happening across multiple fronts. With everything in one unified platform, you’ll be able to comply with today’s strict data protection and privacy laws. Main examples include the European Union implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which allows customers to have access to, revoke and rectify any information a company may have on file for them and the US’s California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) which allows customers to opt out of their data on file to be used or sold by 3rd parties. With more and more customers wanting to take control of their data, more and more countries are adopting similar legislatures. So, what happens if someone wants to opt out and their data is floating in your systems? You’ll have to abide by the request.
Having a CDP allows you to not only streamline better customer experiences, but it also keeps all their information organized and easy to navigate. In cases where you’d have to retract or edit customer information, the process is cut down from tracking down a single user in your multitude of databases to just scanning one.
More than 90% of advanced customer data organizations agree that their customer data integration efforts resulted in a measurable positive ROI. As of right now, if you are not utilizing a CDP, your data is most likely siloed across multiple departments. This means multiple platforms, software and tools full of data that are spread across various teams and stunting your company’s growth. Utilizing a CDP allows you to integrate all the above together and create a 360-degree view of your customer profiles.
There are four main types of customer data that can be collected during the customer journey: basic data, interaction data, behavioral data and attitudinal data.
With a full view of your customer’s brand experience; a CDP makes it easier for your team to learn, customize and cater to a customer’s preferences more accurately.
There’s a ton of CDP software’s out there, most notably, Salesforce, Oracle and Klaviyo. Every business has a different objective for their CDP. Make sure to start from the top and solidify what your primary use of your CDP will be for and what problems you want it to solve. As far as trying to assess which one works best for you, it’s important to consider the following:
We help clients analyze, organize and prioritize valuable information in their databases. Click here to check out more of our commerce services or chat with an expert on how to reach your commerce goals.